Additional information
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Shrub (Ogilvie, COPF Explorer Series, 1994)
A hardy and disease resistant shrub with full pink blooms repeating from June until frost. Forms an upright bush up to 3 feet tall and wide.
This rose is part of the Canadian Explorer series and is named for Raphaël Lambert Closse (1618 – 1662). Closse was a French merchant and explorer known for his work in fighting the Iroquois and exhibiting combat tactics that allowed him to win many fights during his time.
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Lambert Closse
Shrub (Ogilvie, COPF Explorer Series, 1994)
A hardy and disease resistant shrub with full pink blooms repeating from June until frost. Forms an upright bush up to 3 feet tall and wide.
This rose is part of the Canadian Explorer series and is named for Raphaël Lambert Closse (1618 – 1662). Closse was a French merchant and explorer known for his work in fighting the Iroquois and exhibiting combat tactics that allowed him to win many fights during his time.
lindaphilsimon (verified owner) –
5b Western Montana. Planted June 2021, did have a couple of blooms the first summer. It was hardy almost to the tips over the winter ( -11F at lowest) next to house on the south side. Gets about 5-6 hours of sun a day. I have two of them, the one that gets just a bit more sun is now taller (almost 4 feet tall) with more blooms (over 40 buds) but the other one is not far behind. I think there may be a very slight scent. Bloomed flowers last a solid week on the shrub.
Joanna Tuck –
Lambert Closse is another rose in my garden that has put up with all the worst treatment and still thrives. The hardiness is exceptional. I don’t think I could kill it if I tried. It’s got great repeat and in fall it gets lovely big hips that add another layer of texture to the garden. This year I thought I’d try germinating some seeds, so I’m excited to see how they do. It lasts great in a vase too.