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Moss (Jean-Pierre Vibert, France 1843)
A truly unique moss rose, Comtesse de Murinais is tall (6 feet +) and can be trained to climb. Canes are densely armored with thorns and the flowers show just a hint of pink before opening and turning pure white. Blooms are sweetly scented.
Pronounced: ko(n)-tehs duh mew-hree-nay – from French Rose Names by Diana Bellucci
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Comtesse de Murinais
Moss (Jean-Pierre Vibert, France 1843)
A truly unique moss rose, Comtesse de Murinais is tall (6 feet +) and can be trained to climb. Canes are densely armored with thorns and the flowers show just a hint of pink before opening and turning pure white. Blooms are sweetly scented.
Pronounced: ko(n)-tehs duh mew-hree-nay – from French Rose Names by Diana Bellucci
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