Every once in a while, I may make a slight miscalculation when planting my roses. It can be the result of anything; from a lack of sunshine, to roses that were planted too close together, to a dry spot in the irrigation, or maybe its just a couple of colors that just simply don't go together. The reality is that occasionally established roses need to be moved in the landscape. I'm going to share my (almost) fail safe method and give you a couple of pointers for trickier situations. Far and [Read More]
Growing Tips
Winter Protection part II – Container Roses
So I just wrote an entire post about protecting your roses that are planted in the ground (you can find it HERE) and I realized I neglected to address one of the most challenging parts of winter protection, roses in containers. For the most part, roses do quite well in containers and add a reliable burst of color to patios, decks and accents each year. Much of my winter protection advice is similar to when your roses are in the ground, but there are a few additional things you should keep in [Read More]
Winter Protecting Your Roses
The most common question I get this time of year is about what you should do to protect your roses in the winter. Over the years, I've heard of some creative solutions and it seems like rose lovers will do just about anything to help their roses through the cold months and give them a head start in the spring. In the old days, my grandma used to cut all of her roses down to 6 inches tall and cover them with a styrofoam cone in hopes of the roses merely surviving (for the record I don't recommend [Read More]
Fall Planting Tips
Get Planting (Fall Style). Fall is a great time to plant roses. I always say, if it wasn't for fall planting, I wouldn't have any roses in my own garden. While that may be a be an occupational hazard, given what spring in the nursery typically looks like, fall really is a great time for roses. To begin with, fall's cooler temperatures and increased moisture reduce transplant stress on new roses. Even better, the combination with lower light intensity and still warm soil temperatures make [Read More]
Fall Rose Care Tips
Fall Rose Care Tips. Enjoy Your Roses! – I think this point is too easily overlooked. Love your garden and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Cooler temperatures bring out the blooms and intensifies the color of many roses. I'm particularly proud of this Over the Moon bloom (above) in my new rose bed. Plant New Roses – It's a great time for adding to your garden and give them a head start for next spring. Still concerned? Remember all of our roses are guaranteed for a full year. [Read More]
How To Prepare the Perfect Rose Bed
by David Mulholland It might be another month or two before spring has sprung, but that means it’s time to start planning. [Read More]
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