Ugh, there is nothing less appealing to me than dragging the hose out in the middle of winter. I mean come on, my garden looks like a wasteland and my fingers are aching at the mere thought of connecting the hose. The reality is, winter can be one of the driest and most stressful seasons even in dormancy. Winter water is often overlooked but can be key to the overall health of your roses come spring time. So yes, it’s time to keep an eye on the forecast and get that hose out. [Read More]
Growing Tips
Know Your Zone
Shhh! Do you want to know the single greatest success factor for growing great roses? Pick your roses to match your environment instead of trying to change your environment to fit your roses. I get it, we all do it. You’ll be shopping at the garden center, big box, or even the grocery store and see a beautiful plant at a great price and you snap it up. Then it turns out the plant has not hope surviving in your climate and it turns into one expensive annual. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be [Read More]
Fall Pruning (or not)
Now that we are getting a little chill in the air, I often get questions asking for advice on fall pruning. My simple response often catches people off guard. My advice is, don’t do it. Go take a walk, carve a pumpkin, chase a turkey or just take a nap. Pruning is crucial to the overall health and longevity of your roses, but pruning in the fall can have some unintended side effects. First and foremost, pruning encourages growth in plants. New growth is much more susceptible to freeze damage and [Read More]
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