Additional information
Hardiness Zone | |
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Climber (G. Delbard, France, 1966)
Exquisite medium red blooms cover this active climber throughout the summer. Altissimo’s large single blooms are starkly contrasted by rich yellow stamens. Additionally, Altissimo features a mild clove fragrance, strong disease resistance and some shade tolerance . Upright growth habit, reaching a height of 8 to 14 feet and 4 to 6 feet wide.
Hardiness Zone | |
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ARS Rating | |
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Climber (G. Delbard, France, 1966)
Exquisite medium red blooms cover this active climber throughout the summer. Altissimo’s large single blooms are starkly contrasted by rich yellow stamens. Additionally, Altissimo features a mild clove fragrance, strong disease resistance and some shade tolerance . Upright growth habit, reaching a height of 8 to 14 feet and 4 to 6 feet wide.
Mary Cookson –
A very healthy and vigorous climber. I bought 2 Altissimo plants 20-something years ago, and they’re big and healthy. The flowers are such a brilliant red, and the bees love the open blooms. It has huge hips in the fall, too. It’s got fairly rigid canes for a climber, and definitely fares better on a trellis than an obelisk. It can also be grown as a very tall shrub.