Additional information
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Large Flowered Climber (McGredy IV, Ireland, 1960)
A mid-sized climber with striking flowers that combine cherry red edges with ivory white centers to create a unique show of color in the garden. Flowers accent beautiful dark stems and glossy bronzed foliage.
Pronounced: HAYN-del – from French Rose Names by Diana Bellucci
Hardiness Zone | |
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Large Flowered Climber (McGredy IV, Ireland, 1960)
A mid-sized climber with striking flowers that combine cherry red edges with ivory white centers to create a unique show of color in the garden. Flowers accent beautiful dark stems and äglossy bronzed foliage.
Pronounced: HAYN-del – from French Rose Names by Diana Bellucci
Mary Cookson –
This rose is not vigorous for me in zone 7, but it is absolutely beautiful and, after 2 years, it’s starting to put on some good growth. The flowers are exquisite, and I’m hopeful that it will start growing a little faster now that it’s had time to put down some good strong roots. It’s been healthy, it’s just apparently not fast grower here. I’d still recommend it.