Additional information
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Rambler (Michael H. Walsh, United States, before 1902)
A rambler with incredible vigor, this rose creates a stunning display on an arch or a pillar with massive clusters of single, bright rose-red flowers. Glossy green foliage on canes reaching 12 to 15 feet.
Hardiness Zone | |
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Rambler (Michael H. Walsh, United States, before 1902)
A rambler with incredible vigor, this rose creates a stunning display on an arch or a pillar with massive clusters of single, bright rose-red flowers. Glossy green foliage on canes reaching 12 to 15 feet.
Lynne –
My 2-year plant is about 12 – 14 feet tall and still growing. Hiawatha is planted by our eastern wall, getting morning sun and afternoon shade. Its hardy, vigorous and disease-free with clusters of deep pink blossoms.