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English Shrub (David Austin, United Kingdom, 1985)
A beautiful rose! Very large, double, cup-shaped blooms in shades of apricot and yellow, tinted with pink as they age. Flowers have a rich, fruity fragrance and are produced regularly through the growing season. The shrub reaches 5 feet by 4 feet, or may also be used as a climber in mild climates, reaching 8–10 feet.
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English Shrub (David Austin, United Kingdom, 1985)
A beautiful rose! Very large, double, cup-shaped blooms in shades of apricot and yellow, tinted with pink as they age. Flowers have a rich, fruity fragrance and are produced regularly through the growing season. The shrub reaches 5 feet by 4 feet, or may also be used as a climber in mild climates, reaching 8–10 feet.
Abraham Darby
Joanna Tuck –
Good winter hardiness in my zone 4 garden. Beautiful big fragrant blooms that are apricot or pink depending on weather and fertilizer. This is one of my favorite English roses.
ligia cojan (verified owner) –
Amazing fragrance and blooms. My favorite rose.
Sarah Klopp –
This rose can suffer from black spot but it is definitely worth it! The re-bloom is wonderful and the fragrance is strong and beautiful. My favorite blooms are always in the fall. This year they were three inches deep and 4 1/2 “ across. I will always have this rose in my garden.
Brandon Garner –
Great rose. For me it is almost always in bloom throughout the season
Bicky Tran –
I love this rose so much I have two. One in the front yard by my front entrance in ground the the second backyard in a raised beds. Fragrance is Lychee fruity. Fall colors are darker in pink, apricots with some yellow. The blooms are so different each time but gorgeous. Some black spots but still worth it. I plan to add more in my garden. –
This is my favorite rose in my zone 5 – Madison WI – yard! It suffers from some black spot, but the number of gorgeous, fragrant blooms can’t be beat. Plants from High Country were delivered quickly and being own root, they have survived even polar vortex years when there was substantial die back… one summer and they were back to their healthy selves!
Linda Carolan –
One of the very best David Austin roses, Abraham Darby is particularly beautiful with fully double flowers and great fragrance. A must for Austin rose fans.
forest_oak –
My absolute favorite rose, and I’ve grown many. Abe has strong growth, nice bush structure and desire to bloom. The fragrance is rich, strong, and fruity, almost tropical fruit. In my garden the flowers are rich apricot in the center, fading to a very pale pink in the outer petals, and they retain a cup shaped form which I love. In my garden/climate in the high desert, he is a bit quirky to grow. He didn’t want to grow much until I gave him chicken based fertilizer and plenty of water. The flowers are lovely when cut and a few blooms will fill a room with fragrance.
jacquedodd (verified owner) –
One of my favorite roses. I chose yo pot it in filtered light and it does very well. More blooms when I feed it once a month during growing season. Beautiful apricot color.