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English Shrub (David Austin, United Kingdom 2000)
***Still Growing – Status update in April 2025***
Large, velvety crimson blooms with a strong “old rose” fragrance age to a rich deep purple. Attractive, bushy growth on an upright 3 to 4 foot shrub.
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English Shrub (David Austin, United Kingdom 2000)
Large, velvety crimson blooms with a strong “old rose” fragrance age to a rich deep purple. Attractive, bushy growth on an upright 3 to 4 foot shrub.
Joanna Tuck –
I have to admit that I’ve given this rose a really hard life. It has been moved a couple of times, given poor soil and too much shade. Still it has managed to produce delightfully fragrant blooms which are a beautiful shade of deep purple. I can’t be too hard on the lack of size and shape of the bush because I know that if I gave it a better spot in the garden it would do better and the blooms would probably be larger, they are pretty small. But the winter hardiness is great and the blooms do well in a vase for me. Repeat is pretty steady too.
Linda Carolan –
This rose is an absolute stunner with its large dramatic richly colored blooms full of petals.
Claire –
This is a phenomenal rose. I particularly love its scent– closer to the old roses than a lot of modern hybrids. And beautiful color and form. Wish it were more available!!
forest_oak –
One of my favorite Austins. I love the rich color and the complex flower form. But one of the best aspects is the fragrance which is strong, lovely and unique. As others have said, it reminds me of violets, it is so sweet. This is a low growing, spreading rose, not much more than 2 feet tall in my climate (high desert), but it is not a groundcover rose. I bought this rose in 2013 from High Country Roses. It’s a keeper.