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Floribunda (Alain Meilland, France, before 2014)
Canyon Road is a magnificent red floribunda with a unique and novel color. It blooms in late spring with a striking flush of brick red blooms. It shows good tolerance to disease and maintains a pleasing habit. Well suited for use in borders for a striking pop of color.
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Canyon Road
Floribunda (Alain Meilland, France, before 2014)
Canyon Road is a magnificent red floribunda with a unique and novel color. It blooms in late spring with a striking flush of brick red blooms. It shows good tolerance to disease and maintains a pleasing habit. Well suited for use in borders for a striking pop of color.
Mary Cookson –
I bought this rose in spring 2022. It arrived small but healthy. I planted it, and the rose got growing right away. It flowered frequently and sent up lots of new growth. Canyon Road has healthy glossy leaves, and is almost always in bloom. Lots and lots of brilliant orange-red flowers. It’s around 3’ tall by 2’ wide and very full and rounded. It’s still flowering now, in November, when we’ve had freezing temps every night. It’s just a really good shrub.
Judith Geddy –
Canyon Road is a great rose. Gorgeous red orange color, covered with blooms through Fall. It has healthy foliage and makes a nicely shaped full bush. Outstanding!! I love it.
Angela Patterson –
Canyon Road is a “wow” rose with its eye-catching blossoms. Mine has remained small at about 1.5′ h x 2′ w, but I’m in Zone 5a with clay soil, and lots of plants here stick to their minimum sizes. Mine was planted during summer 2022 so it is one year in the ground at the moment. It is a resilient plant, and it was blooming up until the first morning frosts and freezing nights hit.
Kristine LeGault (verified owner) –
This is an amazing rose! The color and the health are fabulous. It is always in bloom and has Nice big blooms on a short rose