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Downton Abbey® Collection – Floribunda (Christian Bédard, United States, 2016)
Inspired by Lady Violet and the iconic shades of her lavender dresses, the rose Violet’s Pride is even more exquisite with a magenta-colored heart on the inner petals. Violet’s Pride undeniably belongs to the aristocracy of the rose world with dense foliage, resilience from diseases and a sophisticated grapefruit and fruit-like fragrance worthy of any noblewoman. The flowers are held proudly on top of a vigorous and even rounded bush.
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Violet’s Pride
Downton Abbey® Collection – Floribunda (Christian Bédard, United States, 2016)
Inspired by Lady Violet and the iconic shades of her lavender dresses, the rose Violet’s Pride is even more exquisite with a magenta-colored heart on the inner petals. Violet’s Pride undeniably belongs to the aristocracy of the rose world with dense foliage, resilience from diseases and a sophisticated grapefruit and fruit-like fragrance worthy of any noblewoman. The flowers are held proudly on top of a vigorous and even rounded bush.
Morgan Burg (verified owner) –
A wonderful rose. Beautiful, repeating blooms. Stunning light purple color! Shows good disease resistance in zone 7a!
Kaja Prosper (verified owner) –
I am so proud of this little rose. Shortest little shrub in my garden and put out roses already. She’s been in the ground for only a month now and she sent out her first bloom. Although very tiny ( because she is still a babette) she had a total of 47 petals. I fawned over her for what felt like an eternity and she had the most divine scent. I do so love her…very much
Kaja Prosper (verified owner) –
I also have to say that the customer service I received from Matt was elite! He is very patient and attentive and open to resolving issues. Thank you very much
radianceballet (verified owner) –
I just received this rose last week. It’s a really pretty shape, rounded with lots of foliage. I love purple and the character of Violet on Downton, so I’m so excited to see it come to life in the spring!
Sarmishtha Banerjee –
I bought this rose along with other 18 roses in Spring,2022. This rose blooms and repeats well in my zone 6b/7a garden. I love the compact shape of this rose. But it gets black spots as our summers are very humid . But inspite of that it blooms until November end and the blooms are perfect lavender and very fragrant.
elena73542 (verified owner) –
Here I can get beautiful rose babies at a lower cost. I bought 3 roses for a Christmas gift violets pride It’s one of them.merry Christmas 2023
Maria E.Linartes (verified owner) –
I look forward to this second year of my small but beautiful lavender rose bush spring 2025
Yang Liu –
I had this rose for 2 years, and while it’s a very good rose plant, I strongly disagree about it being called mini. This rose can easily grow more than 3.5 feet tall and wide in the garden. It indeed blooms plentifully and has a pleasant fragrance. The flowers are small, but this plant can grow to 4 feet wide in a year.