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Found Shrub, (Carol Macon, United States 2015)
“Christian J” is a fabulous seedling found in the garden of our friend Carol Macon in Colorado Springs. The rose’s parentage likely includes Darlow’s Enigma but this plant is smaller and the blooms are a deep red to purple color. This rose is intriguing to say the least. We would love any characteristic feedback you can offer from your growing experience. Email High Country Roses HERE.
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“Christian J”
Found Shrub, (Carol Macon, United States 2015)
“Christian J” is a fabulous seedling found in the garden of our friend Carol Macon in Colorado Springs. The rose’s parentage likely includes Darlow’s Enigma but this plant is smaller and the blooms are a deep red to purple color. This rose is intriguing to say the least. We would love any characteristic feedback you can offer from your growing experience. Email High Country Roses HERE.
Mary Cookson (verified owner) –
It’s only just settling in for me, but I’m really liking the dainty leaves, and looking forward to next spring’s big flush. This plant is small, but throws out long, arching canes and might be a good ground cover rose, or maybe a small climber. This rose arrived healthy last spring, and seemed untroubled by my clay soil and our hot and humid summer. Zero issues with blackspot. I’m very happy with it.