Additional information
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Large Shrub (Dr. David Zlesak, United States, 2006)
Dr. David Zlesak is a Professor of Horticulture and rose breeder at The University of Wisconsin River Falls. Needless to say, cold hardiness is critical to his breeding program and we are the beneficiaries of his hard work. Catherine Guelda is intriguing shrub that combines zone 4 hardiness with a easy free growing habit and black spot resistance. Blooms are a mauve purple blend that are often highlighted by a white stripe down the center of the petals crating a unique look.
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Catherine Guelda
Large Shrub (Dr. David Zlesak, United States, 2006)
Dr. Zlesak is a Professor of Horticulture and rose breeder at The University of Wisconsin River Falls. Needless to say, cold hardiness is critical to his breeding program and we are the beneficiaries of his hard work. Catherine Guelda is intriguing shrub that combines zone 4 hardiness with a easy free growing habit and black spot resistance. Blooms are a mauve purple blend that are often highlighted by a white stripe down the center of the petals crating a unique look.
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