Additional information
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Hybrid Moschata, (Dupont, France, 1817)
A unique old garden rose, Dupontii features dramatically arching canes of 7 to 10 feet. Large, sweetly fragrant, clusters of white flowers gracefully age to blush on the trusses. Very hardy.
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Hybrid Moschata, (Dupont, France, 1817)
A unique old garden rose, Dupontii features dramatically arching canes of 7 to 10 feet. Large, sweetly fragrant, clusters of white flowers gracefully age to blush on the trusses. Very hardy.
Liz Stein –
I grew this on a fence by the pool. It does need to be pruned to keep in bounds, but it’s a lovely, generously-blooming, fragrant rose, especially nice at night. Needed practically no care except pruning.