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Shrub (Reimer Kordes, Germany, before 1950)
Named after the quaint Northern German town, Elmshorn produces huge clusters of small, cherry-red, double flowers bloom throughout the summer and into fall. Glossy green leaves on an upright shrub reaching 4 to 6 feet in height. Tolerant of poor soil and tough conditions.
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Shrub (Reimer Kordes, Germany, before 1950)
Named after the quaint Northern German town, Elmshorn produces huge clusters of small, cherry-red, double flowers bloom throughout the summer and into fall. Glossy green leaves on an upright shrub reaching 4 to 6 feet in height. Tolerant of poor soil and tough conditions.
tjcihlar –
I keep notice this one growing at the Denver Botanic Gardens on the north side of their rose circle. It was early September, and only a few others there were blooming as prolific.