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Shrub – Hybrid Blanda (Niels Ebbesen Hansen, USA, 1938)
This interesting hybrid blanda rose shares it’s genetic parent’s zone three hardiness and vigor. Lilian Gibson can grow to heights of nearly ten feet on long arching canes. Can be trained to climb but is better as a large shrub. Flowers come in late spring and are double, fragrant, and salmon pink.
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Lillian Gibson
Shrub – Hybrid Blanda (Niels Ebbesen Hansen, USA, 1938)
This interesting hybrid blanda rose shares it’s genetic parent’s zone three hardiness and vigor. Lilian Gibson can grow to heights of nearly ten feet on long arching canes. Can be trained to climb but is better as a large shrub. Flowers come in late spring and are double, fragrant, and salmon pink.
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