Additional information
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Alba Hybrid (1835)
Profuse early bloomer. Flowers are very fragrant double creamy white fading to pure white. Large, full bush will grow to 8 feet tall and wide. Very hardy and can tolerate some shade.
Pronounced: mah-dahm pla(n)-tyay – from French Rose Names by Diana Bellucci
Hardiness Zone | |
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Madame Plantier
Alba Hybrid (1835)
Profuse early bloomer. Flowers are very fragrant double creamy white fading to pure white. Large, full bush will grow to 8 feet tall and wide. Very hardy and can tolerate some shade.
Pronounced: mah-dahm pla(n)-tyay – from French Rose Names by Diana Bellucci
Duane Scheidemantle –
exceptionally beautiful rose, that is is exquisite to behold! Disease resistance is good.
Very vigorous growth.