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Bourbon (Moreau-Robert, France 1865)
Named to honor President Abraham Lincoln in the year of his death. This bourbon rose is crimson pink with deeper shading. Fragrance is strong and blooms come in flushes throughout the season. An interesting rose often compared with Madame Isaac Pereire.
Pronounced: soo-vneer dew pray-zee-da(n) – from French Rose Names by Diana Bellucci
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Souvenir du Président Lincoln
Bourbon (Moreau-Robert, France 1865)
Named to honor President Abraham Lincoln in the year of his death. This bourbon rose is crimson pink with deeper shading. Fragrance is strong and blooms come in flushes throughout the season. An interesting rose often compared with Madame Isaac Pereire.
Pronounced: soo-vneer dew pray-zee-da(n) – from French Rose Names by Diana Bellucci
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