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Noisette (Jean-Pierre Vibert, France, 1828)
Named for the daughter of the influential French Rosarian and Horticulturist Jean-Pierre Vibert, this noisette puts on a show worthy of it’s namesake. Clusters of creamy white blooms sit atop a vigorous shrub covered in bright shiny green foliage. Flowers are quite fragrant and have a unique “earthy” scent. Can be trained to climb or grown as a large shrub when pruned.
Pronounced: eh-may vee-behr – from French Rose Names by Diana Bellucci
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Aimée Vibert
Noisette (Jean-Pierre Vibert, France, 1828)
Named for the daughter of the influential French Rosarian and Horticulturist Jean-Pierre Vibert, this noisette puts on a show worthy of it’s namesake. Clusters of creamy white blooms sit atop a vigorous shrub covered in bright shiny green foliage. Flowers are quite fragrant and have a unique “earthy” scent. Can be trained to climb or grown as a large shrub when pruned.
Pronounced: eh-may vee-behr – from French Rose Names by Diana Bellucci
Daniel Blevins (verified owner) –
So far so good. Planted right beside an older maple tree. One month and it is growing well, almost double the size. Doesnt seem to be affected by blackspot. Would say its a fast grower and doesnt mind its own tree to climb. Would recommend.
Daniel Blevins (verified owner) –
Aimee Vibert