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Hybrid Gallica – Shrub ( Wilhelm J.H. Kordes II, Germany, 1952)
Large (5″) blooms of warm scarlet and yellow stamens cover this tall arching shrub in the late spring. Fragrance is mild. Matte, dense foliage covers the plant. Very hardy and good disease resistance.
AKA – Scarlet Glow
Pronounced: SHAHR-lahkh-gloot – from French Rose Names by Diana Bellucci
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Hybrid Gallica – Shrub ( Wilhelm J.H. Kordes II, Germany, 1952)
Large (5″) blooms of warm scarlet and yellow stamens cover this tall arching shrub in the late spring. Fragrance is mild. Matte, dense foliage covers the plant. Very hardy and good disease resistance.
AKA – Scarlet Glow
Pronounced: SHAHR-lahkh-gloot – from French Rose Names by Diana Bellucci
Ernie DeMarie –
Got this a few years ago from HCR, it was the fastest growing of the own root roses I got. Flowers are nice and abundant, it is a once bloomer here in NY though. And its has quite a few large thorns, and probably would be a good climbing rose but I keep it in check after flowering each year as a large bush. It does make quite a few hips as well which I remove to reduce potential seeding.