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Portland / Damask Perpetual / Centifolia (René Lévêque, France, before 1846)
Duchesse de Rohan is the source of some debate in the rose world as it exhibits characteristics of multiple old garden rose groups. The petal count on this rose is definitely reminiscent of the centifolia roses with warm pink to lavender flowers that fade with age. Flowers carry a strong fragrance and rebloom in a manner characteristic of the Hybrid Perpetual and Portland roses. The shrub itself is tidy and contained at 3 feet tall and wide with lush medium green foliage. A great old garden rose for limited space.
Pronounced: dew-shehs duh hro-ha(n) – from French Rose Names by Diana Bellucci
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Duchesse de Rohan
Portland / Damask Perpetual / Centifolia (René Lévêque, France, before 1846)
Duchesse de Rohan is the source of some debate in the rose world as it exhibits characteristics of multiple old garden rose groups. The petal count on this rose is definitely reminiscent of the centifolia roses with warm pink to lavender flowers that fade with age. Flowers carry a strong fragrance and rebloom in a manner characteristic of the Hybrid Perpetual and Portland roses. The shrub itself is tidy and contained at 3 feet tall and wide with lush medium green foliage. A great old garden rose for limited space.
Pronounced: dew-shehs duh hro-ha(n) – from French Rose Names by Diana Bellucci
Joanna Tuck –
I love this rose in zone 4, it’s hardy and fragrant and prolific. Mine is more like 4-5 feet tall though!