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Hybrid Perpetual (Antoine Levet, France, 1881)
Intriguingly cupped, deep pink flowers are perfumed with a delicious fragrance of apple and vanilla. The shrub itself can reach quite grand proportions (8′) without feeling like it’s taking over the garden. Repeats its rich flowering well and displays lush emerald foliage.
Pronounced: OOL-rih(k)h BROO-ner feels – from French Rose Names by Diana Bellucci
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Ulrich Brunner Fils
Hybrid Perpetual (Antoine Levet, France, 1881)
Intriguingly cupped, deep pink flowers are perfumed with a delicious fragrance of apple and vanilla. The shrub itself can reach quite grand proportions (8′) without feeling like it’s taking over the garden. Repeats its rich flowering well and displays lush emerald foliage.
Pronounced: OOL-rih(k)h BROO-ner feels – from French Rose Names by Diana Bellucci
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