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Moss (Vibert, France, 1827)
***Still Growing – Status update in April 2025***
This unusual rose is a Centifolia – Moss hybrid featuring large sepals that, before the bloom opens, resemble the crested hat made famous by Napoleon. Medium-pink blooms are very fragrant, born heavily in late spring on a tall shrub that reaches 5 to 6 feet.
AKA – Cristata, Châpeau de Napoléon
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Crested Moss
Moss (Vibert, France, 1827)
This unusual rose is a Centifolia – Moss hybrid featuring large sepals that, before the bloom opens, resemble the crested hat made famous by Napoleon. Medium-pink blooms are very fragrant, born heavily in late spring on a tall shrub that reaches 5 to 6 feet.
AKA – Cristata, Châpeau de Napoléon
threeeremitesgeohamlet –
This has to be amongst my favourite roses. I have always been partial to Moss roses. I have had a lot of them, but this one takes the first place. The colour is very much as depicted but silvery as the bloom ages. I kept Châpeau de Napoléon or R Centifolia Cristata trimmed to about five foot four. One of the best ways to grow this specimen is pegging the canes to the ground, which encourages more blossoms than it would otherwise produce. It is thorny. I would not call it Moss, but a thick parsley type of growth on the edges of sepals, with fragrance when touched. The fragrance of just one shrub is intoxicating. The most ethereal and exquisite fragrance. If you had enough sunlight hard by a window of your house, when this is in full flush, I would imagine you could merely open your window to smell it! It filled our yard with heavenly aroma and silvery pink colours for near thirty years. A large hickory limb crushed it, and it never fully recovered. I have been looking for this specimen everywhere, without success. If you have space to try this one, and if you enjoy Moss roses as I do, include it in your garden. As soon as this one is available, I intend on acquiring three or four of them.