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Moss (Français-André Robert, France, 1856)
A bushy, nearly thornless moss rose that reaches 4 to 5 feet tall with lush, bright-green foliage. Buds and flower stems are generously covered in soft, bright-green moss. Light pink blooms are large, packed with petals and shapely. The very fragrant blooms arrive in late spring and stay through early summer. One of noted rosarian Peter Beales’ favorite moss roses.
Pronounced: zhay-nay-hrahl klay-bay – from French Rose Names by Diana Bellucci
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Général Kléber
Moss (Français-André Robert, France, 1856)
A bushy, nearly thornless moss rose that reaches 4 to 5 feet tall with lush, bright-green foliage. Buds and flower stems are generously covered in soft, bright-green moss. Light pink blooms are large, packed with petals and shapely. The very fragrant blooms arrive in late spring and stay through early summer. One of noted rosarian Peter Beales’ favorite moss roses.
Pronounced: zhay-nay-hrahl klay-bay – from French Rose Names by Diana Bellucci
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