Additional information
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Hybrid Musk (Pemberton, United Kingdom, 1924)
This Hybrid Musk produces arching trusses of large, soft pink blooms with golden centers that fade to white. A strong grower that will climb in warmer areas, but is usually a substantial shrub. Known for its healthy vigor, Penelope will tolerate some shade and poor soil.
Hardiness Zone | |
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ARS Rating | |
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Hybrid Musk (Pemberton, United Kingdom, 1924)
This Hybrid Musk produces arching trusses of large, soft pink blooms with golden centers that fade to white. A strong grower that will climb in warmer areas, but is usually a substantial shrub. Known for its healthy vigor, Penelope will tolerate some shade and poor soil.
Brandon Garner –
Shade tolerant. Nice soft color.