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Species Rose (Commercially Available c. 1820)
In Colorado (and throughout the Mountain west), it’s almost impossible to NOT see Rosa woodsii when you get out into nature. Rosa woodsii has evolved over thousands of years to handle the most difficult conditions, growing steadily with low light, short seasons, and with sporadic water. In the wild, fragrant, single pink flowers present in late spring and into the summer. In your garden, expect a much more robust plant.
Rosa woodsii is an ideal choice for xeriscaping.
Pronunciation: RO-za wood-zee-i
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ARS Rating |
Rosa woodsii
Species Rose (Commercially Available c. 1820)
In Colorado (and throughout the Mountain west), it’s almost impossible to NOT see Rosa woodsii when you get out into nature. Rosa woodsii has evolved over thousands of years to handle the most difficult conditions, growing steadily with low light, short seasons, and with sporadic water. In the wild, fragrant, single pink flowers present in late spring and into the summer. In your garden, expect a much more robust plant.
Rosa woodsii is an ideal choice for xeriscaping.
Pronunciation: RO-za wood-zee-i
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